Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure game by Sucker Punch Productions, released in July 2020 for PlayStation 4. Set in 1274 on Tsushima Island during the Mongol invasion of Japan, players control Jin Sakai, a samurai who must defend his home. The open world is rich with diverse landscapes, inspired by classic samurai cinema.
Gameplay blends traditional samurai combat with stealth tactics. Players can engage in swordfights or use tools like smoke bombs and grappling hooks for stealthier approaches. Jin’s journey explores his internal conflict between samurai honor and the pragmatic methods of the Ghost.
The game features a photo mode for capturing its beautiful scenery and intense moments. Praised for its story, combat, and world design, it also includes “Ghost of Tsushima: Legends,” a multiplayer mode with cooperative gameplay based on Japanese mythology. The game is celebrated for its tribute to samurai culture and technical excellence.